Artist talk: Eleanor Watson

Eleanor grapples with her attraction to decorative interiors, finding beauty in pattern, object and light, in this video presentation.


Eleanor weaves her way through interior spaces in this 30 minute zoom presentation, recorded on 27 April 2021, as part of the remote HAUSPRINT programme during COVID.

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Artist talk: SooMin Leong

In this video presentation, SooMin discusses her practice, the importance of landscape in her images and how walking can change how we experience the world.


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Using a sharp pointed tool like an etching needle, an image is scratched into a flat polished sheet of metal such as copper or aluminium. Plastic or card can also be used.

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Artist talk: Sarah Gillett

In this podcast episode released by Fermynwoods Contemporary Art, Sarah Gillett talks about her research on how astronauts dream, the promise of future seances, and the joy of collaboration.


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