Artist talk: Michelle Avison
From her inspirations to struggling to find a place to draw, Michelle takes us through a chronological history of her work, and how she learned to embrace the practice of looking in this video presentation.
Michelle reveals her working practice in a 60 minute presentation zoom presentation, recorded on 29 March 2021, as part of the remote HAUSPRINT programme during COVID.
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All featuresDaydreaming through decoration
“I felt like I was in multiple spaces at the same time – the studio, my source material, my paintings – and I really lost myself in the process of making. I had this epiphany that if I inhabited my paintings long enough then the experience of looking at them would contain the dysphoria I felt, because that’s how art works, it’s a sort of a mirror.”
“I would quite like a bit of a shout now.”
Artist Sarah Praill discusses the ideas and archeology behind her exhibition “To carry a feeling” at HAUSPRINT.
Artist talk: Sarah Gillett
In this podcast episode released by Fermynwoods Contemporary Art, Sarah Gillett talks about her research on how astronauts dream, the promise of future seances, and the joy of collaboration.