Things being various

James Anderson’s exhibition is named after a line from the poem Snow by Louis MacNeice: “World is crazier and more of it than we think, …incorrigibly plural …The drunkenness of things being various.”

Artist: James Anderson

Dates: 9 - 29 September 2023


These lines evoke the suddenness of the poet’s realisation of the contrasts and diversity and plurality of the life around him; of life itself.

James’s work – large, painterly, colour-dense carborundum abstracts, delicate etchings and graphic, layered wood-cuts – suggest a very literal expression of “things being various”. But the joy of the show is not (simply) in this display of printmaking craft, it is in the artist’s ability to tease out a scatter of moods and images that visualise a world within: his world. These are works that seem to capture the most fleeting of inspirations – the colours of the Atlas mountains, a view seen through the inside of a friend’s house, the fall of a shadow under a tree – interpreted through the solidity of print.

MacNeice’s poem begins with the words, “The room was suddenly rich”, and there’s a sense of that suddenness, that ephemeral shock of memory/joy/excitement/drama in much of the work. James’s strength is his ability to create images that reflect that suddenness; they feel as though they’d just burst into his consciousness; the prints shout, “see what I see, feel what I feel”. He has the craftsman’s ability to work with, and create work, born of the studied carefulness of printmaking (layer upon layer of ink and chine-colle paper and acid eating into metal and hard steel gouging into slabs of wood) that has been coaxed to yield rich emotional immediacy.

James has said that it was only after his introduction to printmaking that his innate creative sensibility was able to express itself; that, as he puts it, “the possibility of art could exist”. He is an artist for whom the idea and its execution are so closely interlinked that one could not exist without the other or to retreat to an old cliche, “the medium is the message”.

And herein lies the tension that electrifies all his work: the synaptic spark of ideas. The work is grounded in the cerebral, philosophical truths of a poem (akin to Gombrich’s reference to “the possibility of metaphor [in art]”). And at the same time, as the visual reality of the work– the “ocular truth” – suggests, it is effortlessly free, “lively” (his word) and expressionistic.

In his inner world, of things being various, the cerebral is merged with the celebratory.

– text by Lee Johnson

Selection of work

Brushworks 2

This is one of two prints (Brushstrokes 1 and 2) which differ only in the colour range.  As the title suggests I was interested in the way brushstrokes have their own emotional and expressive language; in this print influenced by the different colours and printmaking techniques.

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Blue Green March 2023

This print is one of a number of recent prints exploring and exploiting the expressive potential of the printmaking technique known as carborundum relief printing.  This was developed by the French American artist Henri Goetz (1909 – 1989) in the 1960s who introduced it to a number of other artists notably Joan Miro.  Miro wrote to Goetz saying ‘the results are fascinating and very beautiful. The artist can express himself with more richness and freedom…which gives a beautiful substance and a more powerful line’. 

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HAUS 2024

An exhibition of new prints by Sofia Alrich, Michelle Avison, Tim Foxen, Mia Thompson, Claire Willberg.

Artist: Sofia Alrich, Michelle Avison, Tim Foxen, Mia Thompson, Claire Willberg

Dates: 22 - 29 June 2024, Saturday 12 - 5pm and other times by arrangement


Private view: Friday 21st June 2024, 6 - 8pm

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Terror Management

Step into our new exhibition of prints and drawings by Boris Kwok.

Artist: Boris Kwok

Dates: Saturday 15 June 5 - 9pm and Sunday 16 June 11 - 6pm

Venue: HAUSPRINT Studio

Private view: Saturday 15 June 5 - 9pm

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End of year exhibition celebrating the end of our HAUSPRINT Etching Year 2024.

Artists: Lucy Annan, Maria Hatling, Anne-Marie Kennedy, Jody Tableporter, Mike Taylor, Matt Worrall

Dates: Friday 10 May - Sunday 19 May 2024, open Saturday and Sunday 12.00 - 5.00pm. Other times by arrangement.


Private view: Thursday 9 May 2024, 6.00 - 9.00 pm

Closing party: Sunday 19 May 2024, 3.00 - 5.00 pm

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