Artist talk: SooMin Leong

In this video presentation, SooMin discusses her practice, the importance of landscape in her images and how walking can change how we experience the world.


SooMin recorded this 42 minute presentation on zoom on 7 April 2021, as part of the HAUSPRINT remote programme during COVID, which aimed to stay connected to members through artist talks and online workshops.

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Abrasive carborundum grit (silicon carbide) is mixed with acrylic medium or glue and painted onto a flat surface, such as plastic or metal.

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Fine resin dust is applied to the surface of the etching plate, then melted from underneath to melt and harden the dots of resin. When immersed in acid the plate ‘bites’ between the aquatint resin dots, creating a distribution of tiny holes on the plate which print as a tone.

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Artist talk: Eleanor Watson

Eleanor grapples with her attraction to decorative interiors, finding beauty in pattern, object and light, in this video presentation.


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